
What to Plant in August to Keep Your Garden Growing through Fall?

Fall or autumn is the season when plants and trees lose their leaves. If you have a garden at home and are wondering what seeds to plant in August so that you can prepare your garden for fall, we have got you covered! Before you start sowing fresh seeds, ensure that you get rid of all your spring and summer plants from the soil. Once done, you can have a mix of herbs, vegetables, ornamentals like flowers, and other types of greenery in your garden. Let’s now discuss the plants you can grow and get ready for your August planting for fall!

Fall Garden Prep: August Ideas

Each plant requires its own time to grow. So, you need to plan the sowing of seeds accordingly and allow time for your plants to mature fully. Also, make sure that your garden plants don’t go through a long dry spell. From the following list of plants, you can choose some for planting in August so that your garden keeps growing through fall.

1. Marigolds

These are annuals and their seeds can be sown in sparse containers or straight in your garden soil. You can plant marigolds close to your vegetable garden because the fragrance of these flowers deters insects. Marigolds need medium watering and full sun to grow.

You can grow marigolds near your vegetable garden.
  • A. True
  • B. False

2. Cucumbers

You can grow cucumbers on a trellis, container, or garden bed. Some varieties of cucumber can be harvested within just 50 days of planting. Many gardeners love growing cucumbers because they don’t need a lot of work. Growing cucumbers is one of the best August strategies for fall garden.

3. Basil

It is an annual or perennial herb and its leaves are used in various dishes, such as pasta, salads, and pizza. Basil needs a lot of sunlight and can germinate pretty quickly. However, basil leaves are highly sensitive to cold temperatures.

4. Peas

Nothing can match the taste of fresh peas from the garden! Peas are some of the best crops to grow in August. There are different varieties of peas like Sweet, Snap, and Snow. You must grow peas in direct sunlight and on well-draining soil. 

5. Chrysanthemums

These are fall perennials that grow well during shorter days. They are ideal plants to grow in August because the days are shorter in this month. It would be ideal to grow chrysanthemums in well-draining garden soil with 6 hours of sunlight every day. These plants are the perfect choice for late-season planting for fall. 

August planting for fall can be joyful and colorful. Try growing the plants we have provided in the above list this August and have an awesome time during the fall months!


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