Arlington Cemetery Flags 101

Ashley | 04 - 30 - 2021
Arlington Cemetery Flags

Arlington National Cemetery was established on June 15, 1864, following the need for a common burial ground after the Civil War. Let’s check out the history behind Arlington cemetery flags on the graves on Memorial Day.

Facts about Arlington National Cemetery

On the first Memorial Day, popularly known as Decoration Day, people installed flags on the graves to honor the fallen soldiers. Here are 5 facts about Arlington national cemetery you should definitely know:

1. Who Puts Flags on Veterans Graves?

The members of the “Old Guard” unit formed in 1958 have taken up the mission to put the flags on the veteran graves on Memorial Day every year.

Where Was the First Large Observance of Memorial Day?
  • A. Waterloo
  • B. Arlington
  • C. Vietnam Veterans Memorial
  • D. U.S Air Force Memorial

2. Where Do the Flags Go On a Veteran’s Grave?

The Arlington Cemetery National flags should be placed on the foot of the headstone right at the center of the grave. The rule is the same in other cemeteries as well.  

3. When Should Veteran Grave Flags Be Removed?

The Arlington cemetery flags should be removed as soon as possible after the end of the memorial day celebration.

4. Who Is Buried at Arlington National Cemetery?

The fallen soldiers of the U.S army from all the wars fought after the Civil War whether in active duty or after retirement and certain permitted relatives of these soldiers are buried in the Arlington National Cemetery. About 30 soldiers are buried every day on average.

The unidentified soldiers are honored under “The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”

5. Who Are the Presidents Buried at Arlington Cemetery?

President William Howard Taft and President John. F Kennedy are the only presidents buried in Arlington cemetery as other presidents chose to be buried in their home states.

6. How Many People Visit Arlington Cemetery Every Year?

The cemetery is spread around 624 acres of land with 400,000 soldiers buried as of 2021 and more than 3 million people visit this memorial throughout the year.

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