How Is International Grandparents Day Celebrated around the World?

Emma | 08 - 26 - 2021
international grandparents day

Every relationship has its own day of celebration. While Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are popular around the world, Grandparents Day is left uncelebrated. Grandparents Day or International Grandparent’s Day is a secular national holiday. It is observed nationally on the first Sunday after Labor Day in September in the United States. This day is celebrated to appreciate, honor, and acknowledge the importance of grandparents in our well-being. Grandparents Day is also celebrated to show the bond between the grandparents and grandchildren. Grandparents Day has its roots in the U.S and gradually spread to other countries worldwide. But do you know what all the countries celebrate Grandparents Day? Read on to find out 

Grandparents Day around the World

Grandparents Day is celebrated in different ways around the world. Many Countries celebrate this holiday on different days. Some countries celebrate on July 26th or on the 2nd Sunday of October. In Australia, Grandparents Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. The UK celebrates Grandparents Day on the first Sunday of October every year. In Japan, there are no Grandparents Days as elderly people should be respected and celebrated every day. Italy celebrates its Grandparents Day on 2nd October and the day is known as La Festa Nazionale Dei Nonni. In Canada, Grandparents Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in September. Brazil, Honduras, and Spain celebrate their Grandparents Day that reflects a religious root. These 3 countries celebrate Grandparents Day on the Feast of Anne and Joachim, the grandparents of Jesus. Many Countries even celebrate this day as separate Grandmother’s Day and Grandfather’s Day. 

How to Celebrate Grandparents Day? 

There are various ways to celebrate Grandparents Day. Here are some of the simplest ways to exhibit your love. 

When Is Grandparents Day Celebrated in the UK?
  • A. First Sunday of October
  • B. Second Sunday of October
  • C. First Sunday of November
  • D. Second Sunday of November
  • You can call or visit your grandparent’s. Tell your grandparents that you love them and have a sleepover there. 
  • You can cook your grandmother’s favorite recipe under her supervision. 
  • Make a scrapbook of your favorite memories with your grandparents and gift them. 
  • Take your grandparents to their favorite spots, the home they grew up in, the school/college they studied, etc. Walk down memory lane with them. 
  • Host a family reunion, invite all your friends and distinct family members. 
  • Get to know your Grandparents’ favorite hobby and make them pursue their interests. 
  • Watch your grandparents’ favorite movie with family and friends. 
  • Give them any personalized gift. 
  • Play indoor and outdoor games with grandparents and awake the inner child in them.  
  • Play their favorite playlist and dance with them.  

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