Hurricane Iota Facts

Emma | 02 - 12 - 2021
Hurricane Iota

Hurricane lota was the latest powerful hurricane to reach the strongest hurricane rating category 5. It also caused landfall in Nicaragua in Central America. lota caused various disasters such as landfall and flooding. Hurricane lota is considered the strongest storm to hit Nicaragua in the country’s history. Read on to know more hurricane Iota facts. 

Facts about Hurricane Iota

  1. Hurricane lota affected areas such as ABC islands Colombia, especially San Andres and Providencia, Jamaica Central America particularly in Honduras and Nicaragua 
  2. Hurricane Iota cost damage- Hurricane lota caused damage for nearly $1.4 billion
  3. The hurricane and its effects affected more than 4 million people in Honduras i.e half of its population 
  4. More than 85,000 homes were damaged and nearly 6,000 were destroyed 
  5. Due to this hurricane millions of people in Central America were affected by diseases due to contaminated water 
  6. This season is the most active ever recorded Atlantic hurricane season with 30 storms
  7. Hurricane lota formed on November 15 and it strengthened on the same day 
  8. Lota brought heavy rainfall to the cities of Columbia which caused flash flooding and mudslides 
  9. The Hounduran government closed bridges and highways across the country. 
  10. Mudslide due to lota caused severe damage and multiple deaths 
  11. Hurricane Iota death toll- Nearly 61 people were killed in Iota, and 41 were missed  
  12. Bogota, the capital of Columbia faced severe and worst damage in lota because of heavy rain with tropical change
  13. Hurricane Iota 2020 information- Communication and network were lost in the San Andres and Providencia island for almost 20 hours on November 16 
  14. In Nicaragua nearly 44,000 homes were damaged. The government announced that the storms have caused losses of nearly $743 million.  
  15. Hurricane Iota was hit with a wind speed of nearly 160 miles per hour. 

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