Most Innovative Brands That Changed the World

Iris | 05 - 15 - 2024
most innovative brands

The past and the current decade has brought many changes to our day-to-day lifestyle and all the credit goes to the most disruptive companies in the world. These companies’ innovative technology and products help us in various tasks. From ordering a take-out to dating apps, these most innovative brands provide us with so many benefits.  Here we have gathered the top 4 tech companies that are changing the world. 

Based on the survey, out of 740 technology-based companies, Amazon and Apple were named as the most disruptive companies in the tech industry globally. Other companies like IBM, Google, Netflix, Intel, Qualcomm, and Phillips come out of the top 10 list of most innovative brands.

Four Most Innovative Brands in the World

  • Apple 

Apple.Inc is the world’s number one technology company in world with billions of profits annually. Apple introduces astounding new technologies and products. Apple also provides jobs worldwide. Regardless of its many ways to reduce the amount of e-waste caused by electronics, now the innovative company has achieved its innovative technology called “daisy”, a robotic recycling system. Apple’s commitment to its work makes it a world-changing company. 

Which Is the No 1 Company in the World?
  • A. Walmart
  • B. Apple
  • C. Amazon
  • D. Google
  • Amazon

Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos. CEO Jeff Bezos started his company in the year 1995 by selling books. The company was originally founded as “Cadabra”, a short form of the magic term “abracadabra.” As the name was too obscure then they changed it into the name “Amazon.” Regardless of their starting point and the struggles they have faced, now Amazon is one of the top five biggest companies in the world. From E-commerce to Artificial Intelligence you can find everything at Amazon. 

  • Facebook

Facebook, the number one social media in the world. From stalking one’s ex to discovering new technology, you can find everything on Facebook. It is more or less like a one-stop solution to all your problems. How many of you know that the Paypal co-founder, Peter Theil was the very first major investor of Facebook. The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has other ideas in mind before finding Facebook. His first idea of this site was called Facemash. 

  • Google

Google is one of the most valuable brands in the world. This search engine was launched in the year 1997, by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Both Page and Brin were students of Stanford when they launched the website. Since its creation, the company is worth about $400 Billion. Regardless of the search engine, Google has developed so many features and innovations that can change the world in a second. From navigating your location to reading the news and more, Google has made our lives easier.

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