National Boss Day 2021:History and significance of Boss’s Day

Elmira | 07 - 16 - 2023
history of National Boss Day 2021

Boss’s Day or Bosses Day is celebrated on 16th October in the United States. It is a day for employees to thank and appreciate their bosses for their support, and being kind throughout the year. Read the blog to uncover everything about Boss’s Day.

What is National Boss Day?

National Boss Day is specially introduced to strengthen the bond between employees and employers. However, some people opposed the concept and believed that it is a meaningless Hallmark Holiday. It forces employees to kowtow to bosses who earn more than employees. 

Who Started Boss’s Day?
  • A. Patricia Bays Haroski
  • B. Jessica Haroski
  • C. Ella James
  • D. Rebecca Williams

Origin of Boss’s Day

Do you have any special plans to celebrate Boss’s Day this year? Before that, you should learn about the history of Boss’s Day to expand your knowledge.

Boss’s Day was first established by Patricia Bays Haroski in 1958. Hirosaki served as a secretary for State Farm Insurance Company in Deerfield, Illinois. According to the National Day Calendar, she was designated ‘National Boss’s Day’ along with the US Chamber of Commerce. She picked October 16 because it was her father’s birthday and he was working at that time. She was concerned her father’s work was scarcely recognized, and employees didn’t show appreciation for these people. In 1979, it became popular after Hallmark Cards started issuing Boss Day cards to celebrate the holiday. It continually gained recognition until recent years. Social and class awareness contributed to making Boss’s Day famous. People from America started using the word ‘boss’ as they wanted to say boss instead of master.With the support of Governor Otto Kerner, National Boss’s Day remains a holiday.

How to Celebrate Boss’s Day?

The monotonous work routine barely gives employees a chance to appreciate their bosses. Hence, Boss’s Day is the best occasion to thank or appreciate all the things that your boss has done for you. People can provide gifts, bosses, or flowers or do any good gestures to show your gratitude.

  • You can honor your boss in many ways.
  • You can give a day off to your boss and allow him to play golf.
  • You can host a potluck with the boss’s favorite foods.
  • You can make a card of appreciation in which everyone has signed
  • You can make a timeline of your boss’s achievements
  • You can invite clients or customers to share their memories of your boss.

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