Can You Score 15/15 on This Alaska Major Sports Teams Quiz?

Iris | 02 - 12 - 2021

People from Alaska are passionate about sports and athletic competitions. Due to the cold weather, you cannot find any Alaska professional sports team. Despite this, there are plenty of outdoor & snow-focused sports and athletic competitions are popular here. Alaska is also known for unique snow sports that are inspired by northern life and landscapes. Play our “Alaska state sports team quiz” to know more unknown facts about sports in Alaska.

1. What Is the Main Sport in Alaska?

2. What Is the Name of the Hockey Team in Alaska?

3. Are There Any Professional Sports Teams in Alaska?

4. Does Alaska Have an MLB Team?

5. Why Doesn’t Alaska Have an NHL Team?

6. Which State Is Most Popular for Hockey?

7. Which State Has the Most Professional Sports Teams?

8. How Many States Have Professional Sports Teams?

9. Alaskans Have Won Olympic Medals in Cross-Country Skiing.

10. Name the Sports That Are Played Only in Alaska.

11. Which Sport Is Most Popular in Alaska?

12. What Is the Meaning of the Word “Mush” in “Dog Mushing”?

13. The State Legislature Made Mushing the Official Sport in 1972.

14. By Which Year Did Alaska Recognize the Alaskan Malamute as the Official State Dog?

15. How Many NHL Hockey Players Were Born in Alaska?