Dive in to Play Some California Beaches Quiz

Emma | 26 - 09 - 2020

Get your feet wet with this quiz that tests your knowledge of all stunning California beaches. California, the Golden State, the home of some beautiful beaches and architecture! You will love the experience of taking our California beaches quiz. Play the quiz game and know how well you perform. Browse TriviaSharp to attend these amazing trivia questions and answers about the beaches in California quizzes and grow your knowledge day by day. 

1. Which Beach in California Is Known for Its Stunning Rock Foundation?

2. What Color Is the Sand in California?

3. What Beach in California Has Purple Sand?

4. Can I Take Rocks from the Beach in California?

5. What Is the Cleanest Beach in California?

6. Which Beach in California Has the Warmest Water?

7. Where Is the Bluest Water in California?

8. Why Does Pfeiffer Beach Have Purple Sand?

9. What Beach Has Red Sand?

10. What Beach in California Has the Clearest Water?

11. What Is the Hottest Part of California?

12. What Beach Has Pink Water?

13. How Far Is Pfeiffer Beach from Los Angeles?

14. Which Beach Has the Most Seashells in California?

15. What Beach Has Glowing Water?