How Well Can You Answer This California Symbols Quiz?

Iris | 07 - 03 - 2021

California is one of the most populous states in the United States. How well do you know California? Do you know how California got its name and what are its state symbols? To know answers for these types of questions go through our California state symbol trivia. Play our California symbol quiz here at Triviasharp and get to know about the symbols of California.  

1. California Was the ______ State to Enter the United States.

2. The Golden State Is the Nickname of California.

3. What Is California State Capital?

4. What Is California State Fabric?

5. What Is California State Animal?

6. What Is the State Bird of California Called?

7. What Is California State Color?

8. What Is California State Fish?

9. What Is California State Marine Mammal?

10. What Is California State Tree?

11. California's Flag Has __________ and ____________ colors.

12. What Is California State Flower

13. What Is California State Motto?

14. What Is California State Reptile?

15. What Is California State Fruit?