Answer Our Alamo History Trivia & Texas Revolution Quiz

Leia Smith | 09 - 10 - 2020

Want to know more about the history of the famous Alamo Fort in San Antonio, Texas? This historical tourist destination is where the Battle of the Alamo took place between the Texans and the Mexicans. Play our Alamo history quiz for more information on the Texas Revolution and Independence. You can learn the history of this popular destination by answering the questions in the Alamo history quiz. Also, educate yourself with many such facts in our Texas history trivia.

1. When Was the Alamo Built?

2. When Was the Battle of the Alamo Fought?

3. Who Was the President of the USA When the Battle of the Alamo Was Fought?

4. Who Led the Mexican Troops During the Battle of the Alamo?

5. In Which Battle Did the Texians Defeat the Mexican Army?

6. How Many Days Did the Battle of the Alamo Last?

7. When Did Texas Attain Its Official Statehood?

8. Who Won the Battle of the Alamo?

9. Approximately, How Many Texans Died in the Battle of the Alamo?

10. The Hollywood Movie the Alamo Is Based on the True Events During the Battle of the Alamo.

11. Which Among the Following Is the First Battle in the Texas Revolution?

12. When Did the Republic of Texas Come to an End?

13. Where Is the Alamo Mission Located?

14. The Alamo Mission Is of What Origin?

15. What Is the Slogan Associated With the Alamo?