15 Vermont Fun Facts You Forgot!

Ashley | 05 - 11 - 2021

We bet you don’t remember these 15 Vermont fun facts. Can you prove us wrong by securing a 15/15 in this Vermont facts trivia game?

If you are up for a challenge be ready for a tough game about the Green Mountain state! From uniqueness to specialty, the questions can be from anywhere! From what is Vermont known for to what is Vermont famous for, the questions can be phrased confusingly too. 

But don’t worry we got the right answers covered with the right explanation as well. Are you ready to find more information about Vermont ladies and gentlemen? Let’s jump right into the Vermont State facts quiz now.

1. What Is Vermont’s Nickname?

2. When Did Vermont Get Its Nickname?

3. What’s Unique about Vermont?

4. What Is Vermont Most Well Known For?

5. What Is Illegal in Vermont?

6. What Is Vermont Drink?

7. What Makes Vermont Different from the Other States?

8. Why Is Vermont the Best Place to Live?

9. What State Is Most Similar to Vermont?

10. Is It Against the Law to Whistle Underwater in Vermont?

11. Vermont Doesn’t Have Any Blue Laws

12. Which of These Winter Games Were Invented in Vermont?

13. Which of These Are Illegal in Vermont?

14. How Many Presidents Were Born in Vermont?

15. How Many Covered Bridges Are There in Vermont?