Can You Score 15/15 on This Symbol of Vermont Quiz?

Elmira | 07 - 01 - 2022

Vermont is not only renowned for maple syrup, cheddar cheese, and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, it is also home to several farms, wineries, and breweries. Before you plan a trip to the Green Mountain State, take these engaging symbols of Vermont to test your knowledge. Every state has a unique culture, tradition, lifestyle, and symbols such as Vermont. The unofficial Vermont state symbols list includes maple syrup; the eastern white pine (Pinus strobus). If you are interested in learning about Vermont, our latest Vermont state facts and symbols trivia is the best option to expand your knowledge. You share these state symbols of Vermont with friends and family to see who scores the highest.


1. What Is the State Mammal of Vermont?

2. What Is the State Insect of Vermont?

3. What Is Vermont's Motto?

4. What Is the State Song of Vermont?

5. What Is the State Butterfly of Vermont?

6. What Is the State Vegetable of Vermont?

7. What Is Vermont State Capital?

8. What Is the Vermont State Tree?

9. What Is the Vermont State Flower?

10. What Is Vermont's State Bird?

11. What Is Vermont State Amphibian?

12. What Is Vermont's Nickname?

13. What Is Vermont's State Mineral?

14. What Is Vermont's State Beverage?

15. What Is Vermont’s State Fish?