How Did Washington DC Get Its Name?

Leia Smith | 17 - 12 - 2020

Want to know the history behind the name Washington DC? Check out our history trivia for more information on the capital city and what DC (District of Columbia) means. While you may now wonder why it is called the District of Columbia. The answer is right here in our Washington trivia and quiz. Learn everything about Washington DC, the Washington Monument, and the White House today at TriviaSharp.

1. When Did Congress Pass the Resident Act?

2. Which President Chose the Place for the Federal District?

3. What Does DC in Washington DC Signify?

4. The Name Columbia Was Derived From Explorer Christopher Columbus.

5. When Did the Construction of the White House Begin?

6. Is Washington the Only State to Be Named After a President?

7. How Much Does the White Hour Tour Cost?

8. Which Fruit Is Washington Famous For?

9. People Living in Washington DC Were Not Allowed to Vote Until 1961.

10. Who Is the Only President Buried in the Washington District?

11. A Crypt Was Originally Built in the Capitol Building to Bury George Washington.

12. Who Was the First President to Live in the White House?

13. The Oldest Fish Market in the US Is in Washington D.C.

14. What Is the Official State Tree of Washington?

15. For How Many Years Was the Construction of the Washington Monument Halted?