5 Biggest Cyber Security Threats In Recent Years

Emma | 01 - 26 - 2023
A hacker with a laptop

Cybersecurity threats are an ever-present danger in the digital age, with the potential to cause significant harm to individuals, businesses, and even governments. Over the past few years, there have been several high-profile cybersecurity incidents that have highlighted the severity and complexity of these threats. From large-scale data breaches to sophisticated phishing attacks and ransomware, cybercriminals have become more innovative and sophisticated in their methods. It is important to be aware of the biggest cyber security threats in order to take appropriate measures to protect oneself and one’s organization.

Some of the biggest cyber security threats in recent years include phishing attacks, ransomware, supply chain attacks, social engineering, and IoT attacks. Understanding the landscape of cyber threats and the methods used by cybercriminals can help individuals and organizations take steps to protect their digital assets and sensitive information.

Emerging cyber threats and trends

Here are five of the biggest emerging cyber threats and trends to watch out for,

Is there a shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals?
  • A. Yes
  • B. No
  • Ransomware attacks: Cybercriminals use this technique to extort money from organizations and individuals. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts data on the victim’s computer, making it inaccessible, and then demands payment in exchange for a decryption key.
  • Supply chain attacks: Supply chain attacks involve targeting an organization’s third-party vendors or suppliers to gain access to the target’s network or sensitive data. These types of attacks have become more common in recent years, with high-profile incidents such as the SolarWinds attack. Organizations must ensure that their third-party vendors and suppliers have robust cybersecurity measures in place to prevent these attacks.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) vulnerabilities: As the number of IoT devices continues to grow, so does the potential attack surface for cybercriminals. Many IoT devices have weak security features or are not properly configured, making them easy targets for cyberattacks. As more critical infrastructure relies on IoT devices, the risk of a successful attack increases.
  • Social engineering attacks: Social engineering attacks exploit human trust to gain access to sensitive data. The attacker typically tries to trick the victim into disclosing sensitive information, performing an action, or providing access to systems or resources. Examples of social engineering attacks include, 

           Phishing – Here the attacker tricks people into providing their login credentials or sensitive data.

          Pretexting – The attacker creates a false scenario to gain the victim’s trust, before asking for sensitive information or access.

  • Deepfakes: Deepfakes are computer-generated images, videos, or audio that appear to be real, but are actually synthetic. This technology has the potential to be used for malicious purposes, such as spreading fake news, creating false evidence, or impersonating individuals.

Cybersecurity skills shortage

Managing cybersecurity threats in the digital age needs more skilled professionals. As the demand for cybersecurity professionals continues to grow, there is a shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals. Protecting against cyber threats is becoming difficult with this skills shortage, for organizations to find and hire qualified cybersecurity professionals. The cybersecurity skills shortage is expected to continue in the coming years, making it more challenging for organizations to continue safeguarding against malicious attacks.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, cyber threats and trends are constantly evolving, making it critical for individuals and organizations to stay up to date on the latest developments and take necessary steps to protect themselves. By being aware of these emerging cyber threats and trends, individuals and organizations can take proactive steps to reduce the risk of a cyber attack.

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