Fizzy Facts About Soda Bubbles

Ashley | 05 - 25 - 2021
Soda Bubbles

Soda bubbles have always made us curious. The way they add spiciness to the drink or the way they multiply the fizzing power when shaken. In today’s quiz, we will learn every fascinating detail about soda bubbles, soda fizzes, and other facts about carbonation in soda.

What Makes Soda Bubbly?

Carbonated drinks are bottled with gases compressed under high pressure to keep the drink spicy and refreshing. Once the bottle is uncapped, the ability of the liquid soda to dissolve these gasses reduces to a considerable level making the soda bubbly and attractive.

What Causes Carbonation in Soda?

Now that we have answered the question “Why is a soda fizzy?” the next question is “What are the bubbles in a soda called?”

What Gas Gives Carbonated Drinks Their Fizz?
  • A. Oxygen
  • B. Carbon Dioxide
  • C. Sulphuric Acid
  • D. Phosphorous

The carbonation in a soda is caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) locked under high pressure. A popular opinion on carbonated sodas being harmful to teeth and bone health has been proven incorrect by a recent study. Additionally, the study also proved that drinking soda after consuming meat or fatty foods can aid in digestion.

How Does Carbonation Work?

The reason behind soda bubbles rising from the bottom or sides of the soda can is because CO2 trapped inside tiny scratches and dents get too big once the can is opened.

The inflated CO2 molecules produce soda bubbles from within the gaps in the container that are invisible to naked eyes causing the bubbles to ripple from the bottom and sides. Usually, about 1200 pounds of CO2 is compressed inside one square inch.  

Carbon dioxide is made to dissolve into the sugary water through needles, tubes, or wands to ensure that there is no space for the gas to escape once the container is sealed. 

Carbonation In Soda Facts

  • Joseph Priestley invented soda in England during 1767
  • Jacob Schweppes of Switzerland commercialized the process in 1786 
  • Sodas were inspired by the natural effervescence of volcanic water
  • Sprite produces the most soda bubbles
  • Sodas nowadays have other gasses such as phosphorus which is potentially harmful
  • Sealed sodas can also go flat over time
  • Consuming a fizzy drink on a daily basis is not recommended
  • Shaking a fizzy drink helps in easy vapourization of CO2 causing more fizz
  • Adding candies like mentos also helps in dissolving the CO2 faster

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