Get to Know About The Mesmerizing Australian Rainbow Lattice Sunstone Facts

Emma | 04 - 27 - 2021
Rainbow Lattice Sunstone

What Is Rainbow Lattice Sunstone?

Rainbow Lattice Sunstone is one of the rarest stones in the world that exhibits a rare combination of aventurescence, adularescence and a distinctive iridescence lattice pattern. The aventurescence in the stone is caused by small inclusions of a mineral with a highly reflective surface. Aventurescence creates a sparkly, metallic-looking luster which is caused by flat, reflective inclusions. Adularescnece in the stone is an optical phenomenon exhibiting a sheen or schiller effect which is caused by the below surface of a stone. The colours seen in the stone depends on the thickness of the layers. Both aventurescence and adularescence are hard to find in the same stone. Australian Rainbow Lattice Sunstone is a must-have in your rare gem collection.  

Here Are a Few Rainbow Lattice Sunstone Facts

  • Rainbow lattice is from a remote place in the Australian desert named mud tank zircon field.
  • The striking stone was encountered in the Riverpark Inn.
  • The supply of the stone is extremely limited and the only source is the tiny Utnerrengate mine in Australia.
  • The mine owners restrain themselves by revealing the exact location.
  • The stone was discovered by Darren Arthur and Sonny Manson in 1985 and it was acknowledged as a new material in 1989. 
  • At first, it was described as a type of feldspar- Moonstone with 75% orthoclase and 25% albite.
  • Over the last 3 decades, the development in technology has found the black blades and triangle inclusions in Rainbow Lattice to be magnetite.   
  • Good original quality rainbow lattice comes from only one place in the entire world. 
  • Rainbow lattice material is difficult to work and it also has a lot of cracks so it is hard to find the perfect size and clean pieces. 
  • The pricing of the rainbow lattice has increased over the past few years. 
  • Rainbow lattice grows under extreme heat and pressure from old rocks.
  • The lattice appearance is caused by inclusions of hematite and magnetite.

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