Get to Know Interesting Facts about the Wright Brothers

Emma | 06 - 07 - 2024

The Wrights 

Milton Wright, the senior Wright, was a bishop in a church of the United Brethren in Christ. Susan Catherina Koerner Wright, the mother of the Wrights, met Milton at Hartsville College in Indiana. Together the Wright couple had five children. Reuchlin and Lorin were the two boys born before Wilbur and Orville. The Wrights had twins Otis and Ida but unfortunately, they died immaturely. Being a preacher, Milton Wright travels often, and he returns home with small toys for children. One day, he brought a small helicopter made of cork, bamboo, and paper along with rubber to activate its blade. French Aeronautical pioneer Alphonse Penaud was the one who created such a device. Inspired by this toy and its mechanism, the Wright brothers became so fond of aeronautics and flying. These facts are just a gist about them, read the following facts to know more about the Wright brothers.  

15 Amazing Facts about the Wright Brothers

1. Print Operator 

Print Operator

After the unfortunate incident of his mother’s death, Orville learned printing and encouraged his brother Wilbur to give him a hand in this new trade. Besides printing, the brothers franchised two short-lived newspapers. Additionally, they published a newspaper called “The Tattler” dedicated to the African American Community in Dayton. Paul Laurence Dunbar –One of Orville’s high school classmates helped them by editing the newspaper. 

What was Milton Wright?
  • A. Bishop
  • B. Teacher
  • C. Architect
  • D. Carpenter

2. The Wright Brothers Were Printer-Makers

Their quality printers and papers soon gained them a reputation in their locality. The Wright brothers designed and sold the printing press to other printers. These printed presses are their first inventions that became witness to their ability and technical advancement. 

3. And Bicycle Makers Too

And Bicycle Makers Too

Following the printing press business the Wright brothers opened a bicycle and repair shop in 1892. They designed the cycle on a small scale. From self-oiling bicycle wheel hubs to installing several light machine tools, the brothers improved their business day by day. The Wright brothers received income from both businesses and used it for their aeronautical experiments from 1899 to 1905. Wood, wire, and metal tubing are the materials they used to construct their flying machines.

4. Wilbur Was Severely Injured

In early 1886, Wilbur was injured while playing ice skating games with his friends. Oliver Crook Haugh hit Wilbur with his hockey stick which damaged his front teeth. Though the injuries weren’t severe Wilbur discontinued the game. He was planning to go to Yale. Instead, Wilbur stayed at home, supported his mother who suffered from Tuberculosis, read books from his father’s library, and helped his father when he faced controversy in the Brethren Church.  

5.  Neither Got a High School Diploma

Wilbur had four years of high school in Richmond, Indiana. As they moved to Dayton, Ohio he was unable to receive the diploma. His brother Orville, was highly intellectual but decided to quit high school and began the Printing press business. 

6. North Carolina to Get Strong Winds

North Carolina to Get Strong Winds

The Wright brothers were inspired by the German aviator Otto Lilienthal and keenly followed his research. Unfortunately, he died in the glider crash. Later the brothers planned to make their own aeronautical machine. The Wright brothers tested their flying machine in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina as it gets strong wind. 

7. Wing Warping – Inspired by Birds

Wing Warping - Inspired by Birds

The brothers got the idea for wings from the birds, they observed how the birds carefully balanced and controlled their wings and that’s how they came up with the “wing warping.” 

8. The First Plane Was Airborne Only for 59 Seconds

In 1903 December, the Wright brothers succeeded in inventing their first plane which was free and controlled, power-driven, and heavier. Wilbur operated the flying machine for 59 seconds, at a distance of 852 feet. The Wright brothers have become more popular since then.

9. Orville Met with an Accident

As a part of their invention, they marketed the two-passenger Wright Military Flyer to the U.S. Army. The demonstration occurred at Fort Myer, Virginia, where Orville operated the machine with Army Signal Corps Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge. When they were airborne, the propeller started to collapse and soon hit the earth. The Lieutenant was found unconscious and died a few hours later. Orville was severely injured with a broken leg, broken rib cage, and a back injury. He was hospitalized for six weeks.  

10. Orville’s Coin Toss

Right after inventing the Wright Flyers, the brothers tossed a coin to see who should test the machine first. Though Wilbur won the toss, he lost in flying the machine. Orville tested the machine with the help of his brother and flew 12 seconds before landing 120 feet away. 

11. Never Married 

The Wright brothers- Wilbur and Orville were never married and engaged in experiments and work rather than other things. Once Wilbur said they didn’t have time for a wife and an aeroplane. 

12. The Wright Brothers Flew Together One Time Only

The Wright Brothers Flew Together One Time Only

Fearing that he might lose his valuable sons, Milton Wright didn’t want his sons flying together. On May 25, 1910, his father gave a thumbs up to the brothers to fly together only for six minutes. Orville operated the plane while Wilbur was a passenger. Following his brother, Orville took his 84-year-old father for the first time. His father exclaimed “ Higher, Orville, Higher.” Check out the fascinating facts about the Wright brother’s first flight.

13. The Wright Flyer Flew Only Once

The Wright brothers designed four flights, one day a strong wind tossed the flights and wrecked them to the bone. Thereafter the Wright Flyers had never been airborne again. 

14. Orville’s Unwillingness to Donate the Wright Flyer to the Smithsonian Institution

Orville was reluctant to donate the Wright Flyer aircraft to the Smithsonian Institution. In order to restore the reputation of former secretary Samuel Langley the institution tried so hard to get the aircraft. Knowing this Orville got infuriated and sent his aircraft to the London Science Museum in 1925. After the Smithsonian confessed his misrepresentation only Orville loaned the aircraft. 

15. Neil Armstrong Carried a Piece of Wright Flyer When off to the Moon

Neil Armstrong, the first man who stepped on the moon carried few remnants of the Wright Flyer flight. In his spacesuit pocket, he kept a muslin cloth from the left wing of the flyer and a piece of wood from the left propeller. 

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