Get to Know the Purpose of the Tiny Hole in Padlocks!

Emma | 03 - 03 - 2021

Padlock originated in the late fifteenth century. These small portable locks have been used for more than a thousand years to protect jewels, valuables, and even oneself from theft, strangers, and sabotage. Padlocks were introduced by ancient Egypt, which slowly spread across China, Rome, and Greece. Over the years, padlocks have undergone various transformations in their design, creation, and usability. 

Why Does a Padlock Have a Small Hole on the Bottom?

You might have noticed a tiny hole in the side of the cylinder slot. Do you know the reason behind the small holes? Read on to know

  1. Its main function is to keep the padlock mechanism unaltered over time.
  2. Padlocks are, especially for outdoor use. The holes at the bottom help the water runoff, which prevents it from freezing inside the lock. The hole drains out the water in the lock 
  3. These holes are also used to lubricate the internal mechanism if they are rusted 
  4. If the lock is stuck, you can pour engine oil or any lubricating oil into the holes, and this helps to open the lock with ease. Drip the oil into your padlock, let it sit for a minute or two, wait until it flows through the hole, and then use the key. 

Unknown Facts about the Padlock

  • Padlocks were introduced thousands of years ago by ancient Babylon and Egypt. 
  • The earliest padlocks were made of wood.
  • In the Medieval era, town guards had the key to the homes, not the owner
  • In Rome, keys had carved handles with heads of lions or horses. 
  • In ancient times, women were the keepers of the keys. They even wore rings of keys, and some were even attached to hairpins. 
  • During early days, America didn’t have the manufacturing capacity to meet the demand so they imported locks from China and other countries 
  • In early America, locks were used to safe possession than to lock houses or buildings 
  • The oldest lock is said to be 4000 years old
  • Grades of security classified locks

Why Does a Padlock Have a Small Hole at the Bottom?
  • A. To let air inside
  • B. To expel water
  • C. To break the lock
  • D. To poke inside
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