Get to Know Why Dark Chocolate Is Good For Your Teeth

Emma | 05 - 04 - 2021
Dark Chocolate

Good news for all chocolate lovers, a recent study says that cocoa can help prevent tooth decay. So now you can eat chocolate without worrying about dental problems. 

Cavities, popularly known as teeth decay, occur when foods containing sugar and starches combine with plaque, a sticky substance that forms on teeth. Cavities can attack your teeth at any age. You must have heard your parents warning you to avoid chocolates since your childhood. A recent study says chocolate can be good for your teeth. However, not every chocolate, but what chocolate is good for teeth? Dark chocolate with 70% cocoa is good for your oral health. Though there are many health benefits of eating dark chocolate, here is how cocoa helps you get stronger teeth.

How Dark Chocolate Prevents Tooth Decay? 

Dark chocolate contains epicatechin, polyphenols, flavonoids that can limit oral bacteria and help to slow down tooth decay. Tannins in dark chocolate fight bacteria from sticking to teeth.

Dark Chocolate Contains a Flavonoids Compounds Called
  • A. Epicatechin
  • B. Polyphenols
  • C. Tannis
  • D. None of the Above

Dark chocolate consists of natural chemicals that have the tendency to limit oral bacteria. It also prevents bacteria from turning sugar into starches into acid and also neutralizes microorganisms that cause bad breath. Flavonoids in dark chocolate are the main factor that works to slow down tooth decay. Even when we eat dark chocolate, our teeth are still exposed to sugar, but the specific contents in chocolate neutralize the effects of sugar. Dark chocolate also has sugar so it is advised to take 1 ounce per day, which is about 150 calories. 

Is Dark Chocolate Good For Your Teeth? 

Yes, absolutely. Dark chocolate is good for your health but make sure your dark chocolate contains the following. 

  • Dark chocolate with 70% cocoa is good for your oral health 
  • Your dark chocolate should contain less than 6-8 grams of sugar 
  • Raw chocolate is better as it is less processed and contains more antioxidants.
  • Dark chocolate contains CBH,which is said to be used in mouthwashes and toothpaste someday.   

Is Cocoa Powder Bad For Your Teeth?

Not only cocoa in dark chocolate helps in oral health but also cocoa powder. Here are few home remedies for brighter and healthier teeth. 

1. Cocoa Paste Powder 

Ingredients- 2tbsp coconut oil, 1tsp baking soda, 1tsp organic raw cocoa powder, few drops of peppermint oil.

  • Combine all the ingredients and mix until the consistency you need and pour it in a box and close the lid.
  • Store it in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes and brush your teeth with this powder. 

2. Cocoa Paste For Teeth Whitening 

Ingredients- 1 tbsp of bentonite clay, 1/2 tbsp of baking soda, A pinch of cocoa powder, 1/4 tbsps of cinnamon, 1/4 tbsps of turmeric.

  • Combine all the ingredients into a smooth paste and use it as normal toothpaste. Rinse normally, and you’ll get a brighter tooth immediately. 

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