Who Delivered Chocolates to Children During the Cold War?

Leia Smith | 17 - 12 - 2020
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Questions 1 - 10

After Which War Did the Berlin Blockade Start?

Questions 2 - 10

How Long Did the Berlin Blockade Last?

Questions 3 - 10

Who of the Following Countries Didn’t Belong Wasn’t a Part of the West Allies?

Questions 4 - 10

How Was Gail Halvorson Called by the Kids?

Questions 5 - 10

Which Country Arranged the Berlin Airlift?

Questions 6 - 10

What Is the Name of the Operation Started by the American Military to Drop Chocolates to the Kids in Berlin?

Questions 7 - 10

The Soviet Union Lifted the Blockade in May 1949.

Questions 8 - 10

The Cold War Took Place Between Which Two Countries?

Questions 9 - 10

After the Berlin Blockade Lift, Berlin Came Under the Control of USSR.

Questions 10 - 10

Gail Halvorson Was a __________pilot During the Berlin Airlift.