Social Media and Mental Illness

Iris | 02 - 25 - 2020
Social Media and Mental Illness

Impact of social media on mental health-While there are few advantages of using social media like connecting with your family and friends, it is up to date with the world’s happenings has its flip side also. In recent years usage of social media seems to have more downsides than benefits.  Scientists have proved the negative impact of social media on mental health. Among all the people teens are the most affected due to their constant usage of social media. Let’s see how social media affects health. 

Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Recent studies suggest that spending more time on social media will have an addictive response from the brain.  Spending most of the time on FB, Instagram, and Twitter significantly reduces mental health. The effects of social media lead to negativity and even suicidal thoughts.  The studies show that people who spend more time on social media tend to have less empathy than people who barely use it.

Why Is Social Media Bad for Students?

The most affected group of the population due to social media is the students as they are in their adolescent age. They tend to develop compulsive behaviors of checking social media often for acceptance and acknowledgment.  Researchers say that it is an addictive behavior to refresh the page often and check the number of likes for the posts and pictures. Looking for other’s validation and gratification after getting praise on social media has similar effects on the brain like after taking dopamine (an addictive drug) which releases oxytocin, the happy hormone.  Likewise, when a feed goes unnoticed it affects young people in a negative manner. 

1. Which of These Groups of People Are the Most Addicted to Social Media?
  • A. Generation X
  • B. Generation Y
  • C. Generation Z
  • D. Generation O

How Do Social Media Affect Health?

Using social media like Twitter, FB, and Instagram for long hours may disrupt sleep and regular handling will affect sleep patterns causing sleep disorders. It encourages poor eating habits like not taking food on time and not paying attention to the type of food.  The urgency to stay connected with people and constantly checking their updates on social media will put a lot of pressure and will reduce the level of self-satisfaction and cause anxiety. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is one of the reasons for people who check social media updates often.  This behavior is deeply connected with the behavior of the brain that failure to get gratification will lead to anxiety and even depression.

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