Top 10 Funny and Crazy Laws in NJ

Iris | 09 - 05 - 2021
crazy laws in nj

Behind every law, there is a story. Those laws might sound dumb and funny now, but when they were created they had a great impact on one’s life or history. That’s how laws are created. Each state has its own set of laws and every person in the state will be aware of them, but there are some laws that are not commonly known by people. Here we have gathered some of the weird laws in New Jersey. 

Dumb Laws in New Jersey 

  • It is illegal for men to knit during the fishing season. 
  • It is illegal to detain a homing pigeon.
  • Car dealerships are not allowed to open on Sundays.
  • Boiling bones is also illegal in New Jersey. 
  • It is necessary to honk even when the bicyclist, skater, and motorist crosses. 
  • It is illegal to frown at cops. 
  • You cannot slurp your soup in public. 
  • It is illegal for birds to poop on statues. 
  • It is illegal to raise chickens in bottles.
  • It is illegal to wear bulletproof while committing a murder. 
  • If a  horn blows off while the couple having sex in the car, then the couple can face a jail term.

Crazy Laws in NJ Cities

While there are so many stupid laws in NJ, there are even more crazy laws are there in each of New Jersey cities. And we have found some of the funny laws in New Jersey cities that will make you wonder if justice is as crazy as it is blind. 


Is It Illegal to Post a Receipt Online?
  • A. Yes
  • B. No
  • Planting street-side trees is illegal as it obscures the air.
  • It is illegal to throw ashes on the sidewalk.


  • It is illegal to use the Crystal Lake Pool without first obtaining a bathing tag from the Township Clerk.
  • It is illegal to annoy someone of the opposite sex.

Mount Laurel

  • Climbing trees is prohibited in all city parks.
  • It is illegal to get drunk and annoy others in your house.


  • It is illegal to eat pickles on Sunday and you cannot throw a bad pickle in the street.


  • You need a doctor’s note to buy/eat ice cream after 6 PM.


  • It is illegal to frown at everyone.

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