Can You Score 15/15 on This Battle of Trenton Quiz?

Iris | 17 - 01 - 2021

Did you know what was the outcome of the Battle of Trenton? The Battle of Trenton was the crucial battle that took place during the American Revolutionary War. If you wanna improve your knowledge of historical trivia then takedown our Battles of Trenton quiz to know more exciting and well-versed information about Battles of Trenton facts through our quiz. We recommend you to share our Battles of Trenton quiz with your friends to see how well you guys can perform. 

1. When Did the Battle of Trenton End?

2. Who Won the Battle of Trenton?

3. When Did the Battle of Trenton Take Place?

4. How Long Was the Battle of Trenton?

5. Who Was Involved in the Battle of Trenton?

6. What Happened at the Battle of Trenton?

7. The Battle of Trenton was an Important significant event in American history.

8. Where Did the Battle of Trenton Take Place?

9. How Many Times Did the Continental Army Cross the Delaware River?

10. The Hessians Were from Germany.

11. How Was Johann Rall Was Killed?

12. Who Was the Leader of the Hessians?

13. What Was the Password for a Surprise Attack during the Battle of Trenton?

14. How Many Hessians Were Captured in the Battle of Trenton?

15. What River Did Washington Cross on Christmas Night to Invade Trenton?