New Jersey History Trivia

New Jersey history trivia is a storehouse of the state’s important dates, events, wars, and industrial advancements. 10,000 years ago, Delaware Indians were the first inhabitants of New Jersey. After attaining its statehood in 1787, NJ went through a major industrial revolution. Triviasharp’s New Jersey history quiz kindles your interest to know more about the state’s rich culture and heritage.

Can You Score 15/15 in Our New Jersey Explorers Quiz?
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Get to Know about the Only U.S President from New Jersey
President Grover Cleveland was nicknamed “Uncle Jumbo.” Play our U.S President from New Jersey quiz to why.
Put your knowledge to test with our Battle of Princeton quiz
Play our informative and engaging Battle of Princeton quiz and uncover more intriguing facts about the famous battle.
Can You Score 15/15 on This Battle of Trenton Quiz?
Get to know about the most interesting Battles of Trenton facts & its history by playing our Battles of Trenton quiz online now.
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