All about the New York Knicks Quiz!

Emma | 13 - 03 - 2021

The New York Knicks officially called the New York Knickerbocker, is one of the NBA’s famous teams. The team was established in 1946 and has faced a lot of challenges. The Knicks have lost nearly 70% of their games even though it is the most valuable team for the sixth year in a row. This team has a valuable place in the largest Northern American sports market. Get to know New York Knicks facts by playing our New York Knicks trivia. Play our New York Knicks quiz now and see where you stand in sports. 

1. How Did the New York Knicks Get Their Name?

2. Where Do the New York Knicks Play Their Home Games?

3. What Is the New York Knicks Short For?

4. Who Is the Owner of the New York Knicks?

5. How Many Championships Have the New York Knicks Won?

6. New York Knicks Faced a Downfall in the Year

7. The Knicks Are One of the Founding Teams in the BAA and NBA

8. The Knicks Are the NBA’s Most Valuable Team for ____ Consecutive Year

9. The Knicks Have Played More Number of Games on ______

10. The Knicks Were Established in the Year _____

11. The Knicks Won Their First Title under the Training of

12. The Knicks Have Reached the Final ___ Times

13. Name the Famous Director Who Cheers the Knicks

14. The Knicks Lost ___ of Their Games over the past Six Seasons

15. Who Is the Present Head Coach for the Knicks?