Can you score 15/15 in our Pennsylvania civil war battles quiz?

Emma | 17 - 06 - 2021

The Battle of Gettysburg was one of the greatest battles ever fought and it was the main turning point in the American Civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg put an end to Confederate General Robert E Lee’s bold plan to invade the Union Army (North). There were only two Civil War battles fought in Pennsylvania. The Battle of Gettysburg, one of Pennsylvania’s famous battles, is the most well-known and famous battle of the civil war. Play our battle of Pennsylvania quiz to know more about Pennsylvania during the civil war.

1. What Civil War Battle Was Fought in Pennsylvania?

2. The Battle of Gettysburg Was Fought between

3. When Was the Battle of Gettysburg Fought?

4. The Battle of Gettysburg Was the Smallest Civil War Battle

5. Which Side of the Civil War Was Pennsylvania On?

6. Why Was the Battle of Gettysburg Important?

7. What Was the Result of the Battle of Gettysburg?

8. Why Did the Battle of Gettysburg Happen?

9. In What State Did the Battle of Gettysburg Take Place?

10. How Did PA Contribute to the Union in the Civil War?

11. Who Led the Union Army in the Battle of Gettysburg?

12. The Battle of Gettysburg Lasts for

13. Name the President Who Replaced Hooker with General George Meade

14. Female Soldiers Fought In the Battle of Gettysburg.

15. When Did Abraham Lincoln Deliver His Famous Gettysburg Address?