Are Blue Whales A Living Oxymoron?

Ashley | 03 - 09 - 2021
Blue Whale

Ocean facts have always been fascinating to most of us, and blue whale facts are much more interesting. Here is a list of fun facts about blue whales. Read on to know more.

Blue Whale Facts

  1. Size
    An adult blue whale weighs somewhere between 150-200 tons, which is a herd of 14-21 African Elephants (the largest terrestrial mammal) and measures up to 80-100ft (111ft being the largest). Baby whales weigh around 5952-7936 pounds at birth and gain 200 pounds per day.
  2. Lifespan
    Blue whales have a gestation period of 11-12 months every 2-3 years birthing a single calf. Its average lifespan is 80-110 years. Being the largest mammal, they have few to no predators nature-wise. Blue whales often succumb to injuries inflicted by killer whales and large sea vessels. Extensive hunting (population has reduced from 350,000 to 75,000) for oil secreted in its blubber has led to them being listed as protected species from 1966.
  3. What Do They Eat?
    Baby whales live 6-8 months on mother’s milk, consuming up to 255ltrs of milk which is 40-50% of fat. In this period, they grow bristle-like teeth called ‘baleens’ that function as strainers pushing out excess water with its tongue’s help, which is as big as an Elephant.
    Though the esophagus of a blue whale is large enough to swallow a small child, its diet mainly consists of krill. They consume 3.6 million tonnes of krill per day and rarely consume other crustaceans.

Fun Facts About Blue Whales

    1. Blue whales are considered the loudest mammal on planet earth, though not audible to human ears, blue whale makes noises(188 Decibels) in the form of moans, groans, grunts, and pulses to locate food and communicate. 
    2. Blue whales prefer solitude and can be found in pairs or small groups near huge swarms of krill or during the breeding season communicating with each other through unique songs.
    3. Despite being the largest predator on earth, blue whales are not known to attack other aquatic life or humans unless provoked.
    4. Being travel enthusiasts, they are found worldwide in the deepest part of the ocean and often travel to the equators for warmth in winter. 
    5. Being nurturing mothers, blue whales teach their calves how to breathe by nudging calves to break the ocean surface.
    6. Blue whales are deep bluish-grey, which is influenced by the color of the ocean.
    7. Being conscious breathers, they rest one-half of their brain at a time.
    8. They release up to 200ltrs of poop in one bowel movement. Thus, breaking all records by being louder, larger, longer, heavier, and the heaviest pooper.
    9. Despite their weight, blue whales are graceful swimmers with a speed of 12mph.
    10. With a built-in thermal insulator, blowholes with splash guards, fingerprint-like unique markings, blue whales are truly majestic creatures.


When Was The Blue Whale Discovered?
  • A. 20 Million Years Ago
  • B. 30 Million Years Ago
  • C. 40 Million Years Ago
  • D. 50 Million Years Ago
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