What Is the Fastest Fish in the Ocean?

Ashley | 06 - 29 - 2024

Sailfish aka the game fish is often recognized for its sail-like fins and long spear bills on its body. It comes under the genus Istiophorus and the family of billfish which includes spearfish and marlins. Initially, they start in the size of larvae but their physical growth fastens up in a year. Sails on their body won’t always be extended as we see in the picture. They fold up their sail for a seamless fast swim. 

Where Do the Sailfish Live?


Sailfish(Istiophorus platypterus) inhabit the tropical and temperate waters regions in the world. They migrate to the Equator when the atmosphere is autumn and move to the higher altitude when it’s summer. Since they are pelagic species, they usually prefer living in open oceans and hanging near the water’s surface. Sailfishes never hesitate to dive deep to hunt food. They can even go as deep as 1000 feet below the sea to get its food.

Which genus do sailfish belong to?
  • A. Istiophorus
  • B. clade Selachimorpha
  • C. phylum Cnidaria
  • D. Hydrocynus

Check this to learn more about the migratory marine species

How Fast is a Sailfish?

Sailfish, known for their speed and agility, can reach speeds of 68 miles per hour (109 kilometers per hour) by streamlining their bodies and folding fins flat but may maintain speeds closer to 25 miles per hour for longer durations.

Great Hunter 


Compared to other sea creatures, Sailfishes follow a smart and unique method to attack their prey. It uses the bills as its in-build weapon to threaten and thrash them. Smaller fishes are their preferred diet including sardines, mackerel, and anchovies. Sometimes the sailfishes that inhabited the Atlantic Ocean can even feed on cephalopods. 

Usually, they hunt the schools of fish by tapping and slashing. Sailfish shrink their sails while swimming and expand only when attacking the food. Using this technique lets them attack their prey even more carefully. They attack one fish at a time with the help of small teeth on their bills which cause injury to their scale or tissue. Sailfish continue the attack on the rest of the fish and weaken them for an easy catch. The injuries will reduce their swimming speed as a result they stay behind the school and are prone to getting attacked. If a school of sardines sees a sailfish they will immediately turn to the opposite direction to escape. Knowing their strategy the clever sailfish pose strikes the sardine behind them. 

Can Romance Too! 

Another amusing fact about Sailfish is they can even fight for their love interest. During the mating season, the female sailfish gestures its interest toward the male by extending its dorsal fins. The male sailfish is quite arrogant, often fighting with other fishes to show its dominance and immunity to win the female fish’s heart first. Once they find their match, they engage in broadcast spawning where the female sailfish releases eggs and male fish release sperm beside the water. 

Is it edible?

Yes, it is consumable, but most people avoid eating this fish as it has a hard and chewy texture. So it doesn’t benefit the fishers in any way. 

Lifespan of Sailfish 

Sailfish can survive up to 13 to 14 years in wild areas. In the ocean, it merely lives up to four to five years. The catch-and-release causes major stress and injury to the sailfish, which sometimes claims its life. Fishes that face such a situation may have barotrauma. When they are brought to a different atmosphere they cannot adapt to the pressure abruptly. As a result, it will damage the internal organs of fish, leading to a reduction in growth and reproduction. 


The dolphin fish aka mahi-mahi is the common predator that feeds on sailfish. Other large fish and seabirds also eat ocean sailfish.

Sailfish Swim Faster

Its acrobatic physique never gets tired. Sailfish keep swimming to find their food, and mostly they roam at surface level and can go far distances when they need food. Their muscular body easily converts food into energy and keeps them energetic for a longer time. 

Facts about Sailfish


  • Speed – Sailfishes are the fastest fish in the ocean and can swim up to 68 miles per hour. 
  • Acrobatic Jumpers- They are quick and strong swimmers who can jump up to 10 feet above the water. 
  • Color and Health – The change of colors in their skin symbolizes their health and fitness. Rich colors mean the fish is healthy and well-nourished. 
  • Oxygen Exchange System. Sailfish can survive in deep waters. Their grills observe the oxygen from water and help them to manage in any situation. 
  • Physical Attributes. It is a large fish. A male sailfish can grow up to 10 feet and weigh 200 kg 

whereas a female sailfish grows larger than males measuring 11 feet and 400 pounds. 


Sailfish lives are at threat as it was targeted by other ocean creatures and by people. Though they are not preferred for food, they sometimes mistakenly get caught in fishing gear or harpoons. They are allowed for catch-and-release fishing in some areas. The population of sailfish is stable but natural disasters could be a threat. 

Aquatic species are often considered to be fascinating subjects. If you are an aquarist or ichthyolite do read this blog to learn more shocking facts about tiger fish

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