Can You Guess the Brand Name with Slogans?

Ashley | 08 - 24 - 2020
Can You Guess the Brand Name with Slogans

Catchy slogans are like a brand’s voice. If you ever think of a brand, the first thing that comes to your mind is its slogan. Nobody actually attempts spending time learning and remembering slogans but one can still remember the slogans just by noticing the brand’s name or logo. It is because, they are simple, short, and catchy that it stays in your mind for a long time without you even realizing it. 

Whenever we think of a brand, the first thing that comes to our mind is their slogans. They give quick and precise information about the brands. Slogans help people recognize the particular brand easily, hence it can attract new customers and can retain the existing ones. It helps develop a positive attitude about the brand among the customers. Slogans also make the brands stay unique and easily recognizable.

Do slogans have such a great impact? Play Slogan trivia questions & answers and see how many can you guess right! Play this company slogans game & guess the brand names with slogans to check your knowledge.

1. You Are Not You When You Are Hungry.
  • A. Snickers
  • B. Ferrero Rocher
  • C. Toblerone
  • D. Cadbury
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