Is Bee an Insect or Bug?

Leia Smith | 10 - 26 - 2023

Is Bee an Insect or Bug?

Bees are considered insects and they belong to the Insecta class, not bugs. Bee comes under the Hymenoptera order,  apocrita suborder, and genus Apis. They are categorized as invertebrates since they lack a backbone. Bees are closely linked to wasps. The pollen and nectar in the flowers are the main diet for bees, which they further convert to honey. 

The queen bee, drone bee, and worker bee– are the three different types of a beehive. Each plays a specific role, the queen is the dominating one– who lays eggs and regulates the whole activities in the beehive. The purpose of the drone bee is to impregnate the queen bee. The worker bees have plenty of roles including cleaning, repairing, nursing, queen-attending, guarding, and so on. 

Which class do the honey bees belong to?
  • A. Insecta
  • B. Mammals
  • C. Echinodermata
  • D. None of the above

What Makes Bees an Insect?

What Makes Bees an Insect

The terms bugs and insects are used conversely but they are not synonymous. Though bees and bugs look similar, bees possess some instinctive characteristics that distinguish them from bugs. 

Bugs have pierced mouths like beetles. However, the Bee’s mouth has a straw-like structure which helps them to absorb the nectar. Of all the other features, they have mandibles that make them different from bugs. While flies use one pair of wings, bees use both pairs. Bees are neither bugs nor flies. 

What Is the Difference between Bugs and Insects?

Difference between Bugs and Insects


Features  Insects  Bugs
Wings  Two pairs of wings  Two pairs of wings with colored front wings 
Eyes  Compound eyes  Compound eyes 
Mouths  Mandibles  Piercing mouths or stylets. 


Bees might be small insects but they have a great impact on human lives and biodiversity. 

They contribute a lot of products that have been used for medicinal purposes, like bee venom therapy.  

However, the population of bees has been receding these days, so it is essential to take measures to protect them. 

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