Meet the World’s Smallest Cat Breed

Emma | 06 - 28 - 2024

Cats are cute and cuddly creatures. So tiny cats are cuter! They are also adorable pets, which many prefer to keep as companions at home. They are lovable, and the purring noises they make are a comfort even when their owners feel lonely or sad. Did you know that there are 8 cat breeds that stay little forever, irrespective of their age? Although they are adults, their sounds are similar to those of newborn cats! Talking about tiny cats, do you know the world’s smallest cat breed? In this blog, let’s discuss this breed of cats and their characteristics. 

World’s Smallest Cat Breed

1. The Rusty-Spotted Cat


The rusty-spotted cat (Prionailurus rubiginosus) is a fascinating species known for its diminutive size. Its tiny and unique appearance has captured the attention of wildlife enthusiasts and researchers. It weighs between 2.2 to 3.5 pounds. Did you know that a normal housecat usually weighs 9-10 pounds? The rusty-spotted cat has a body length of about 14 to 19 inches, excluding the tail.

The sounds of the smallest cat breeds are similar to those of newborn kittens.
  • A. True
  • B. False

According to the International Society for Endangered Cats (ISEC) Canada, the rusty-spotted cat is just “one of the smallest in the cat family.” However, in the opinions of several zoologists, the rusty-spotted cat is “the smallest cat breed” on earth. It is a solitary, nocturnal predator that lives in the forested regions, grasslands, and scrublands of India, Sri Lanka, and some parts of Nepal. 

Features of the Rusty-Spotted Cat


Check out the characteristic features of this smallest cat breed in the world!

  • A short, round head with long ears
  • 6 dark streaks on both sides of the head, which are visible on the forehead and cheeks
  • Two white streaks on the inner sides of the eyes
  • The body is covered with short, soft reddish-gray fur, along with rusty spots
  • Creamish or whitish underparts
  • A tail that’s half the length of its head

Behavior of the Rusty-Spotted Cat 


Rusty-spotted cats are ideal pets because you can easily domesticate them. They are cuddly, affectionate, and highly expressive. 

In the wild, many of these cats live in the interiors of caves, whereas others hide in trees. Just like many other cat breeds, the rusty-spotted cat marks its territory using its urine. 

What Food Do They Eat?


Their diet typically consists of small mammals, birds, large insects, rodents, and reptiles. At times, they feed on frogs too. Some of these cats were recorded while they were preying on bats. However, due to their secretive nature and the remote areas they inhabit, studying these cats in the wild is challenging, which has led to limited information about their behavior and ecology.

2. The Singapura


According to Wikipedia and research done by some zoologists, the Singapura is considered the smallest cat breed in the world. It is also pretty rare, and The Guinness Book of Records has listed this cat breed as the “smallest recognized breed.” 

However, there is a competition between the rusty-spotted cat and the Singapura cat breeds for the title of the “smallest cat breed” in the world. Therefore, let’s delve into the features and habits of the Singapura cat breed too!

How did the cat breed get its name? It’s not rocket science! The Malay name for Singapore is “Singapura,” which is considered the place of origin of this cat breed. However, there are several controversies surrounding this theory. This cat breed has another name, “Kucinta,” which is a combination of two Malay terms, “Kuching” (cat) and “Cinta” (love).

The body of this cat is 9 to 12 inches long. The Singapore Tourism Board has selected this cat as its mascot. Let’s take a peek at the features and behavior of this cat breed.

Features of the Singapura


How many of you are aware of the characteristic features of the smallest cat breed? If you don’t, take a look!

  • The body is sepia-colored, muscular, and slightly stocky 
  • Almond-shaped, hazel or yellow eyes
  • Big pointed ears that are also deep-cupped
  • Smooth, silky coat
  • A slender tail with a blunt tip
  • The hair strands are characterized by alternating light and dark colors
  • The underparts are covered with lightly colored strands of hair

The behavior of the Singapura 


The Singapura cat is an enchanting, affectionate animal; it is friendly and social. It is curious about things and never feels shy. It is also highly intelligent, loyal, and can happily stay with its owner for many years. The Singapura cat takes a maximum of 2 years to attain its full physical maturity. Its lifespan is 11 to 15 years.

What Food Do They Eat?


The Singapura cat feeds on fish like salmon and tuna. It also preys on chickens and other birds like pheasants. They don’t completely eat their prey in one go but keep returning to it until they finish it off.

If you have this cat as a pet, it’s a must that you feed it high-quality cat food that is rich in protein. It would be wise to keep this cat indoors so that it is protected from vehicles and diseases spread by other cats. 

Conservation of the Smallest Cat Breeds


The countries, where the smallest cat breeds (rusty-spotted cat and Singapura) are found, take all possible measures to protect them. This takes us to CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. This convention bans the hunting and trading of rusty-spotted cats in India and Sri Lanka, where these animals thrive in large numbers.

Similarly, in Singapore, organizations like the SPCA – The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, protect the Singapura cat breed to a great extent.

Care for the Cats


We hope you found this blog on the smallest cat breed fascinating. Whether you are a cat lover or not, you must protect these animals if you find someone abusing them. You can take such cats to a nearby cat shelter so that they get the care and protection they deserve. If you have a cat as a pet, ensure you take all measures to feed and groom it every day. Consult your veterinarian to obtain all the vaccinations and get your cat checked frequently to protect it from diseases spread by other animals. After all, cats are “connoisseurs of comfort!”

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