What Is a Star Nursery?

Iris | 05 - 18 - 2024

We know that the galaxy is filled with elements like dust and gas particles. When the clusters of gas and other elements expand, the gravitational force pulls them towards each other and causes collision. These clouds are far bigger, and in the middle of them occurs fusion which produces a new band of stars. Such a birthplace of stars is known as a star nursery or “nebulae,” which means ‘cloud’ in Latin. But it astronomically refers to things that have cloud-like structures when viewed through a telescope. The temperature of the newborn stars reaches up to ten million degrees Celsius to make them sparkling stars. 

Star Formation Stage


Newborn stars are oversized spiral structures of gas and dust. These are more active. They create huge gas explosions and emit fumes in space. Space scientists have found such a huge star nursery recently with a size of 9000 light-years long and 400 light-years wide. The new star nursery is in closer proximity to the sun and just 500 light-years away from the sun. It is named as Radcliff Wave in honor of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University. The star nursery consists of long thin extensions of spiral galaxies.  The formation and discovery of these space structures help refine our understanding of space and our galaxy.

What does nebula mean in Latin?
  • A. Rain
  • B. Cloud
  • C. Soil
  • D. Water

Most of the new stars are less than 2 million years old from the earth’s dimension of time but tiny in space-time. Newborn stars are very dynamic and vigorously emit a lot of radiation creating cavities in space. There are also constant stellar winds and blows of excess particles in the surrounding area. The ultraviolet rays from these stars create a purple glow in the region. The scattered particles resulting from the emission cause blue light and the dark crack-like structures are formed by the clouds of dust particles.

Different Types of Nebula 

Similar to our galaxy, numerous nebulas have been discovered so far. Here are some of them! 

Emission Nebula 


Just as their name suggests, emission nebulae emit their own light at optical wavelengths. They form when the immense radiation of the star within or near the cluster energizes the gas.

The mass of nebula ranges from 100 to 10,000 solar masses and it can expand up to hundreds of light years. Orion Nebula is the best example of an emission nebula. It is home to the astonishing four massive stars known as Trapezium. These stars are thousand years old. Moreover, they are the major shining source of this emission nebula. 

Reflection Nebula


The reflection nebula reflects the light it absorbs from neighboring star clusters. However, these are not potential enough to ionize the nebula’s gas, but still their light scatters through the gas and other particles making them glow. As a result of its illumination, the nebula has a bluish tint when it glows. 

NGC 1999, a reflection nebula, hangs near the famous Orion Nebula illuminated by a new nebula called V380 Orionis. Pleiades aka seven sisters is the second famous cluster belonging to the reflection nebula. Unlike the other clusters that shine with the materials made from the stars, Pleiades glitters from its own gas and dust. 

Dark Nebula 


This type appears extremely dark as it contains a rich concentration of internal dust. These nebulae are easily visible to the naked eye. Their dark dusty structure absorbs light and makes them look darker. The Horsehead or Barnard 33 nebula is an example of a dark nebula. The average temperature inside the cluster ranges from 10 to 100 kelvin. 

Planetary Nebula


A planetary nebula is formed as a result of the extinction of low and medium-energy stars. When these kinds of stars die, they blow their layers into space. Such expulsion forms a compact circular shape rather than a quirky dark cluster of other nebulae. Speaking of round shape, do you think our earth is perfectly round in shape? Click the title to know more. 

Scientists still wonder how this nebula gets a defined shape. A planetary nebula is formed as a result of the extinction of low and medium-energy stars. it leaves the core behind and transforms into a white dwarf star. Possessing a similar mass of the sun, the white dwarf has the densest matter after the black holes and neutron stars. 


How Did Nebulas Get Their Names?

Usually, nebulas are named as soon as they are discovered.Some of them have multiple names as well. Scientists use three categories to name them, such as the following:

  • Messier Catalog
  • NGC (New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars) 
  • IC (Index Catalogue) 

Most nebulas got their names from the places they were discovered. 

Seven Famous Nebulas:

The Orion Nebula, M42


The Crab Nebula, M1


The Lagoon Nebula, M8


The North America Nebula, NGC7000


The Omega Nebula, M17


The Dumbell Nebula, M27


The Horsehead Nebula, Barnard33


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