What Is the Difference Between Dinner and Supper?

Elmira | 06 - 11 - 2024

Do you often get confused between the terms, “dinner,” and “supper?” No worries! Many of us wonder if they are the same or two different things. And, others assume that these two words can be used interchangeably. Thoughts and assumptions apart, both “dinner” and “supper” refer to some meal of the day. The time during which dinner and supper are taken and the quantities of food consumed vary from one country to another. What people consider as dinner in one region is referred to as supper in another. To avoid confusion and obtain some clarity on these two terms, we have come up with this blog. So read along to find out the difference between dinner and supper.

Etymology – Origin of the Two Terms


The term, “dinner” has its roots in the Anglo-French word, “disner,” which means, “dine.” On the other hand, “supper” has its origin in “souper,” which is a French word meaning “the meal taken at the end of the day.”

“Dinner” has its roots in the Anglo-French word, “disner.”
  • A. True
  • B. False

Understanding the Differences between “Dinner” and “Supper”


Dinner is usually considered more of a formal meal, whereas supper is regarded as more informal and social. People in many parts of the world have a large, heavy meal for dinner. But for supper, people have a lighter meal (more of a snack) like a bowl of hot soup, or cubes of cheese. In several countries, supper is a light meal that follows dinner!

You might have heard people saying, “I’ve invited my friends to our dinner party.” However, it sounds odd when somebody says, “I’ve invited my friends to our supper party.” 

On the whole, any meal served late in the evening is known as “dinner” in certain nations, but the same meal is regarded as “supper” in others. 

Still confused? Discussing the difference between dinner and supper in a more detailed manner will help you gain some clarity on the subject.

The Last Supper


You might have seen or heard about Leonardo da Vinci’s expensive paintings. Have you ever wondered why his painting of the last meal Jesus had with his apostles is called “The Last Supper?” And, why didn’t people refer to it as “The Last Dinner?” 

The term, “supper,” is mentioned in the Bible too. It was the principal meal eaten during the early part of every evening in those times. Archeological research says that unleavened bread, lamb, olives, bean stew, fish sauce, and aromatized wine were included in the Last Supper. 

Usage of “Dinner” and “Supper” over the Centuries


In the early 19th century, farming was predominant in America. Farmers had to work very hard and did not have the time to eat three meals a day. Getting back home for a meal was also not feasible. So they would have a large meal at noon or afternoon to keep up the strength to work for the rest of the day. This heavy meal was called “dinner” for quite a while. Yes! What we now call “dinner” or the “evening meal” was used to refer to “lunch” or “mid-day meal.”  

When the farmers returned home late evening, they would consume a light supper, such as cheese, fruits, or soup, before turning in for the night.

During the later part of the 19th century and early 20th century, industries began to flourish, and fewer people were involved in farming. So, many Americans started having a good breakfast and carried lunch with them to their place of work. Thus, more and more people began having dinner after work at their homes.  As an increasing number of people flocked towards industry work (meaning there were fewer people into farming), they started sticking to this new meal plan. Must Read: 50 Most Popular Foods in the US.

Generational Differences


If you have lived in the southern parts of the US in the 60s and 70s, you might have heard your mom yelling “It’s supper time,” from another room in your house. “Supper” was more common in that era, when compared to “dinner.” 

However, you might have witnessed a change in the name of the last meal of the day. Nowadays, you might be more accustomed to “dinner” rather than “supper.”

Food Items Consumed during “Dinner” and “Supper”


You can also find the difference between dinner and supper in the types of dishes or food items consumed.

Nowadays, the dishes eaten for dinner are many and varied. In the US, people usually eat salads, pasta, spaghetti, fried chicken, eggs, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, barbecued items, coleslaw, burgers, hot dogs, pizzas, desserts like apple pie, etc., for dinner.

Whereas for supper, people have stews or soups, deviled eggs, pork chops, cornbread, sweet potatoes, steaks, peach cobblers, corn, chickpeas, sandwiches, etc. While at it, know how the term, “sandwich” originated.

Regional Differences


Today, the usage of the terms, “dinner,” and “supper,” varies from one state to another in the US. For instance, people use “supper” for any evening meal in Ohio. They use “dinner” for a larger or more formal meal.

Also read 20 Weird Laws in Ohio.

People in Texas tend to use both terms interchangeably. You can see the distinction between “dinner” and “supper” in Canada too. In Ontario and British Columbia, “dinner” is the preferred word. In Saskatchewan and most parts of Atlantic Canada, people use “dinner” for the meal at noon, and “supper” for the main meal in the evening.

Differences Listed!


We hope you now have an idea of the differences between “dinner” and “supper.” To make your understanding easier, we’ve added a table of those differences. So take a glimpse!

Dinner  Supper
In many countries, it’s the largest meal of the day. In many countries, it’s a light snack.
It’s more like a formal meal. It’s an informal or “social” meal.
More recently used term. Used more in the olden days.
Has origins in the word, “disner.” Has origins in the word, “souper.”
Pasta, fried chicken, spaghetti, barbecued dishes, etc., are eaten for dinner. Soups, stews, cheese, sandwiches, etc., are consumed during supper.
It’s widely used in urban areas. It’s widely used in rural areas.

Enjoy What You Eat!


Though it’s necessary to know the difference between dinner and supper, nothing must stop you from enjoying the meal of the day! The main idea is to have a delicious, satisfactory meal that appeals to both your taste buds and your mind. Make sure you have a merry gathering around your table to have some fun and frolic while you eat. 

So long, folks! End your day with a good meal, regardless of what you call it!

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