Why Do We Sing Christmas Carols?

Yuvarani E | 12 - 01 - 2020
Christmas Carols

Christmas Carol is composed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the nativity. It was probably written in Latin during the fourth and fifth centuries. Did you know? Singing carols were not practiced until the 13th century.

When you think of Christmas, many things come to your mind one of them is the Christmas carol. Christmas carols are acknowledged as popular traditional Christmas songs dedicated to the religious and worldly celebration of the Christmas holiday. The concept of Christmas carols was made to spread the community to celebrate Christ’s birth in Europe. Have you ever thought about where did Christmas carols originate?

History of Carols

Christmas carols never fail to get us in the festive mood. Did you know the origins of Christmas caroling? Christmas carols have two different histories. Earlier, the Christmas holiday was not celebrated because of the birth month of Christ, but the ancient church wanted to change the pagan holidays into new ones. The winter solstice was known as an important holiday in Europe and people celebrated the day by drinking, dancing, and singing popular songs joyfully.

Are Christmas Carols Religious?
  • A. Yes
  • B. No

Medieval carols or Christmas songs in Latin weren’t sung by common people only performed in the church. Over time, Christmas became less famous and became known as a minor holiday. Then people used to sing carols from house to house while traveling and if the house owners loved it they offered rewards. This custom was a combination of caroling and trick-or-treating along with ancient pagan celebrations. Later, pagan elements were abandoned and the only custom remained.

It was changed in the 13th century. In Italy, Francis of Assisi, a friar challenged pagan-based traditions with musical tales of Christ’s birth and nativity plays. The song was completely religious and didn’t ’t fit in Latin. St. Francis inspired these songs to be performed in all languages of people. These songs were spread swiftly in Europe and people began singing them in their homes. In England, traveling balladeers visited the village singing these famous Christmas songs.

During the periods of Puritans and Victorians, Singing carols became a common culture in Europe. Hence it is proved that there is no clear history behind Christmas caroling. Who was the writer of the carol, and how they spread across the world are uncertain. Caroling is known as an oral tradition that was passed from generation to generation. The Roman Catholic saint of animals and the environment named Saint Francis of Assisi is generally credited for the incorporation of cheerful Latin hymns into Christmas customs.

When Did We Start Singing Carols?

The concept of celebrating in December with popular songs originated hundreds of years ago before Jesus Christ was born. It didn’t get its name because Christmas Eve didn’t exist. During the Roman period, it was cold and dark therefore people used to cheer themselves by celebrating a winter festival called Saturnalia that involved a long, raucous party, with wild dancing and singing.

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