Charlie Chaplin’s “The Great Dictator”

Emma | 10 - 05 - 2021
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Questions 1 - 10

The Great Dictator Was Chaplin’s Only Oscar-Nominated Film True

Questions 2 - 10

The Great Dictator Film Released in the Year

Questions 3 - 10

The Film Exhibited the Strong Disapproval For______

Questions 4 - 10

The Great Dictator Was Chaplin's First Sound Film

Questions 5 - 10

Name the Fictional Country in the Film

Questions 6 - 10

Who Banned the Film in Germany and in All Nazi’s Place

Questions 7 - 10

The Most Famous Sequence in the Film Is _____ Speech

Questions 8 - 10

How Many Roles Did Charlie Chaplin Portrayed in This Film?

Questions 9 - 10

The Film Was Released before World War I

Questions 10 - 10

What Was Hitler’s Name in the Film?