Shocking Tiger Fish Facts

Bahavathi | 05 - 26 - 2024
Fascinating Tigerfish Facts

We have all heard of the words, “tiger” and “fish.” But how many of us know the term, “tigerfish?” Yes, it’s a type of fish that is widely considered the cousin of another fish species called, “piranha.” The tigerfish is commonly found in the African waters. It gets its name from its ferocious nature and also from the black stripes (just like a tiger’s) that run along the length of its body. The tigerfish is surrounded by lots of evil myths, and some large-sized fish can look terrifying! Let’s look into some fascinating facts about this enchanting fish species! Also read: Highly migratory marine species

Where Can You Find Tiger Fish?

Tigerfish Habitat

  • The fish can be found in highly-oxygenated waters. So, they usually thrive in lakes and rivers that have rapidly flowing freshwater.
  • They prefer warmer climates; tigerfish live in abundance in the Gambia, Zambezi, and Nile rivers of Africa. 
  • You can see tigerfish swimming close to the surface of the water during the day. However, they move towards the bottom of the water at night.
  • They also prefer strong water currents, where smaller fish thrive in large quantities.


Tigerfish Size

The tigerfish has yellow stripes on its body.
  • A. True
  • B. False
  • The tigerfish can grow to a pretty large size. The Goliath Tigerfish gets its name from the story, “David and Goliath.” It is the biggest in the family, can grow up to 110 pounds, and reach as much as 5 feet in length. 
  • It has also earned the nickname, “M’Benga,” which translates to “dangerous fish” in the Swahili language.
  • Goliath Tigerfish are widely found in Lake Tanganyika and the Congo River Basin.
  • The juvenile Goliath Tigerfish grows by 4 to 6 inches a year. Therefore, it can take around 10 years to reach its full adult size. The biggest fish on record is believed to weigh 154 pounds! Talking about fish, you will find this blog on the oldest fish fossils ever found interesting!

Parts of the Tiger Fish
Parts of the Tigerfish

  • The males are much bigger than the females. The tigerfish has all the same parts that a normal fish has.
  • The eyes are large with big black pupils. They look alert, and sometimes, deadly.
  • The fish has an upright dorsal fin. You can also see three smaller fins beneath the stomach.


Tigerfish Teeth

  • The Goliath Fish has razor-sharp teeth that look menacing. They can have a maximum of 32 teeth, with the upper jaw containing 12 to 20 teeth, and the lower one with 8 to 14. 
  • When the tigerfish closes its jaws, the teeth interlock, and some of them protrude from the jaws, giving it a ferocious appearance.
  • The teeth are conical in shape and well-separated. They look similar to shark teeth
  • The tigerfish can open its mouth wider than the other species of fish.
  • It can attack crocodiles and even humans with their sharp teeth! It can use its teeth to take out huge chunks of flesh from its prey. It can even use its teeth to cut its prey into two halves with a single bite.
  • The teeth are not used much for chewing the prey. However, after the fish tears its prey into pieces, it just swallows the parts whole!


Tigerfish Color

  • Most tigerfish look silvery in color, with thin black stripes on the body.
  • The body of the native tigerfish is elongated, and its scales are slightly white, brown, and gray. 
  • Some of the tigerfish’s faces are golden yellow. 

What Does the Tiger Fish Eat?

Tigerfish Feeds on Other Smaller Fish Species

  • The tigerfish feeds on other fish species that are available in large quantities. So, they are said to be “piscivores.” Usually, they feed on gobies, cichlids, and catfish.

            Must Read: Why fish are named after other animals?

  • Small or juveniles usually hunt for their food in groups. However, the adult fish hunts alone. Juveniles are also known to feed on animal plankton.
  • As the fish grows, its prey will become larger in size. 
  • The Goliath Fish eats chunks of flesh from other fish and animals, especially the ones standing on river banks. It even adopts a cannibalistic nature whenever food becomes scarce.

How Does the Tiger Fish Breed?

Breeding Place for Tigerfish

  • The tigerfish usually breeds during December or January.
  • The female tigerfish searches for a place on lakeshores or riverbanks to lay its eggs. As soon as it finds a suitable breeding place, the tigerfish lays thousands of eggs. 
  • At times, it can lay up to 750,000 eggs!

Can You Eat Tiger Fish?

Can You Eat Tigerfish

  • Even though the tigerfish is a huge predator, it is considered edible!
  • A single adult tigerfish, when caught, can become a meal for many African villagers!
  • African fishermen consider it a prized possession.
  • You can fry, bake, or grill your tigerfish.
  • It tastes just like “Tilapia,” which is another species of freshwater fish.

Is the Tiger Fish Endangered?

Tigerfish is Not Endangered

  • No. The tigerfish is not an endangered species. In fact, it’s said to be a thriving species. So far, there have been no clear rules or restrictions about hunting this Fish.

The areas where the fish thrive have become suitable tourist locations. These creatures also promote recreational fishing in their habitats.

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