Everything about the Famous Little Black Dress History!

Iris | 11 - 11 - 2023
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Questions 1 - 10

The Little Black Dress has been the fashion staple of most women.

Questions 2 - 10

According to fashion historians, the LBD originated in the ___________.

Questions 3 - 10

Which magazine had the drawings of a simple black dress in crêpe de Chine?

Questions 4 - 10

The dress was expensive and not accessible to women of all classes.

Questions 5 - 10

The LBD was __________.

Questions 6 - 10

Why did the LBD become popular among women?

Questions 7 - 10

How did Joan Bennet wear the little black dress?

Questions 8 - 10

When did Marilyn Monroe wear her body-hugging black dress?

Questions 9 - 10

The original LBD was auctioned in ___________.

Questions 10 - 10

Which of the following is true about Princess Diana’s black dress?