A Quintessential Burger Quiz

Ashley | 06 - 07 - 2021
Burger Quiz

McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Whataburger, Fuddruckers are not the only burger destinations in the world. Know these interesting burger facts before you begin the burger quiz

  • A Danish immigrant named Louis Lassen, owner of Louis’ Lunch in Heaven prepared the first hamburger in 1900 and sold them as a stomach-filling easy eat meal
  • Hamburger is named after a seaport in Germany named Hamburger.
  • Lionel Sternberg invented the All American cheeseburger in 1924 at the age of sixteen 
  • Americans consume about 50 million burgers per year
  • Sandwiches are often referred to as hamburgers around the world
  • Charred meat is more unhealthy
  • In n-Out used to give extra patties for free
  • Burgers in commercials are undercooked
  • Burger King is called Hungry Jack’s in Australia
  • The Big America burger is sold only at McDonald’s outlets in Japan

There is something you should do before you begin to name these famous burgers and win this “Guess these famous burgers quiz”

  1. The burger picture quiz is really tough and not for the faint-hearted
  2. Keep your snacks handy, the images are graphic! 
  3. All the options in this burger picture quiz consist of the most famous burgers in the world. So get ready to note down the names of the delicious burgers 

Are you ready to guess the burger from the picture?

This Burger Is a Washington D.C. Special
  • A. Red Mill Burger Deluxe
  • B. New York Deli Burger
  • C. Bulgogi Burger
  • D. Raclette Burger
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