6 Incredible Sea Creatures With Superpowers

Iris | 24 - 12 - 2020
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Questions 1 - 10

What Is the Most Friendly Sea Animal in the World?

Questions 2 - 10

Devils Hole Pupfish Is the Rarest Sea Fish on the Earth.

Questions 3 - 10

The Leafy Sea Dragon Is One of the Camouflaged Creatures in the World.

Questions 4 - 10

Which Sea Creature Will Glow in the Dark?

Questions 5 - 10

Barbados Is Known as the Land of Flying Fish.

Questions 6 - 10

Which Is the Most Venomous Fish in the Sea That Has a Hidden Switchblade on Its Face.

Questions 7 - 10

Which Is the Fastest Fish in the Ocean?

Questions 8 - 10

What Is the Rarest Sea Mammal on Earth?

Questions 9 - 10

Krill Is the Main Source of Energy for Whales and Other Animals in the Sea.

Questions 10 - 10

Which Sea Creature Will Glow in the Dark?